• IG22463
  • IG22463
  • IG22463
  • IG22463

1 Piece Natural Malachite Rhombus 66X33mm Flat 103.30 Ct Loose Gemstone

SKU: IG22463
US $ 25.82
(Exclusive of all taxes)
Malachite is an ancient gemstone derived from the Greek word Mallache, which means ‘green’. It gets its name because of its color that resembles a green spot on peacock feathers. This unique gemstone shares its traits with Turquoise and Tourmaline and is associated with fertility, death, afterlife, and resurrection. The ancient Egyptians called it a ‘God Stone’ as it was used as an amulet that can avoid the threat of death or protect the wearer from negative entities.
Country of Origin: Australia
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Stone NameMalachite Stone Type Natural
Stone ShapeRhombus Shape Stone Color Green
Stone Size 
Stone Weight 
103.30 CtCutFlat


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