• IG22479
  • IG22479
  • IG22479
  • IG22479

2 Piece Natural White Moonstone 8X8mm Round 3.00 Ct Checker Cut Loose Gemstone

SKU: IG22479
US $ 2.00
(Exclusive of all taxes)
A Crown Chakra crystal, Moonstone has long been the stone of love, fertility, intuition, magic, protection, hope, and spiritual purity. Moonstone calms and encourages as it teaches us the natural rhythms of life, opens the heart to empathy, and assists in the acceptance of love. Moonstone is said to increase our sensitivity to the Feminine Divine, to heighten intuition, and to open us up to our psychic gifts. It encourages hope and inspiration to allow us to wish, aspire, and flow in harmony with our dreams. It opens us to serendipity and synchronicity. Moonstone is said to induce restful sleep, and aid in lucid dreaming.
Country of Origin: Sri Lanka
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 Stone NameMoonstoneStone Type Natural
Stone ShapeRound ShapeStone Color White
Stone Size 
8X8 mmOriginSri Lanka
Stone Weight 
3.00 CtStone CutChecker


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