• IG22485
  • IG22485
  • IG22485
  • IG22485

2 Piece Peach Moonstone 16X24mm Pear 32Ct Checker Cut Loose Gemstone

SKU: IG22485
US $ 21.33
(Exclusive of all taxes)
Peach Moonstone was a warm feminine energy which can help us to better understand our emotions. It gently shows us how to create a steady sense of internal safety and grounding, so that we don’t feel overwhelmed by our emotions or the situations we find ourselves in. It teaches emotional intelligence and helps us to navigate uncomfortable emotional terrain with ease. It also helps us to feel comfortable enough to be emotionally vulnerable in a healthy relationship. Peach Moonstone strengthens feminine intuition, especially as it pertains to relationships of all sorts. It also teaches us the value of patience, encouraging us to wait for the “right time” rather than trying to force something to come to pass. It joyfully invites us to be open-hearted and receptive to all blessings.
Country of Origin: Sri Lanka
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 Stone NameMoonstoneStone Type Natural
Stone ShapePear ShapeStone Color Peach
Stone Size 
16X24mmOriginSri Lanka
Stone Weight 
32 CtStone CutChekcer


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